31 October 2009

it's this

Delicious bacterial process.

Please, write a color. The most popular color here and in Lirio y Lili will decide next week's mystery.
Extra challenge for me!!!!

29 October 2009

Breathing white

If there wasn't so much to do, I would return to the woods to breath white among the trees.

I would find the druid of these old forests and ask him for some light; to see beyond my doubts. I would ask him for the brew that would let me fly crossing the ocean to the ever green country where my valiant women live, because today I need to see them and tell them some things.

28 October 2009

What's this?

Tell me,what is this?

If you saw last week's answer, you have a clue.
The answer on Saturday...or Sunday...

26 October 2009

24 October 2009

it's this

I like afternoons with sun and wine.

Great answers given by my Spanish speaking readers: they imagined stones, caramel, ice, water, breath...

Next week there will be something delicious to guess.

23 October 2009

The Archimedes' Drill

Syracuse, 3rd century BC.
Archimedes, the famous mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor and astronomer of this Greek colony is faced with a big challenge: he has to find a solution to remove the great amount of water that enters the hull of the Syracusia, a mighty luxus ship he has just designed for his King.
And so was the Archimedes screw born. A simple yet revolutionary mechanism: a screw shaped blade that revolves inside a cylinder and was turned by hand. With this device it is possible not only to evacuate water but also to extract liquids and solids from lower planes and transport them to higher places.
Among many uses, the application of this mechanism allows the body of this drill to turn while a drill bit perforates the metal. The Archimedes' drill. Elegant.

This beauty is 10 cms long and arrived by mail some days ago

Practicing. By pushing and releasing the spring, the screw turns and with it the drill bit 

Please notice that I am not holding it very straight.  I'd better practice with old drill bits.....
I will report on my progress. For the moment I am fascinated by the simple mechanism, the fact that it is very small and it doesn't require electricity. Another member of my nomadic studio.

21 October 2009

What's this?

What is this?  Who can guess?  Write the first thing that comes to your mind, come on, the strangest the better!
I will post the answer next Saturday.

18 October 2009

it's this

It wasn't that easy to guess after all.

I didn't post the answer yesterday to give you more time to guess, also because I got a box of tools that caught my attention for a long time and because we were celebrating Diwali so I spent a lot of time looking at the flames and laughing.

Next week a new mystery.

16 October 2009

What's this?

Hello.  Who is going to guess what this is?   This week is really easy to get it right.

Last week they guessed at Lirio y Lili.    I will post the answer tomorrow.

I think in forms of coral

I am drawing a ring. A friend of mine is planning on making a special gift ;) and when he saw the little seeds ring at my Etsy shop, he asked me to design a ring in that style.
While we were talking I showed him the Neptune and Neptune 2 rings and we decided it would be interesting to mix the seeds and Neptune styles for the new design.
So I got back to the object that once inspired me to see what it would say to me now:

Soft forms shaped by water and time. This cavity fills the inner structure with air.

Another interesting space. This could be the place to set a stone or a pearl.

This orifice is a window to the inner structure. Negative space, air, light and shadows.

And this light mole inside the cavity. I would like to get this effect.

Object of inspiration: pieces of coral I gathered on the beach at El Calao / Colombia
(photos of El Calao via Sergio Carder)

We'll see what comes out of this.

10 October 2009

it's this

From the Nahuatl Xitomatl: plump thing with navel.

Those seeds like ships from another world suspended inside the red gel. Walls made of miniature globules: rich red, yellow and white, shining like crystal sand on a crimson planet.

Next week.... another challenge...

9 October 2009

What's this?

What's this? Guess... This one is easy, something very familiar, something you probably see every day. Close your eyes and remember where have you seen this.

Last week there was no What's this?. I was opening one online store, and then another and then preparing for the store on my own web page and so time went by too fast.

Do you already know what this is? The answer comes tomorrow.
For now,  happy Friday. I'll take a walk.

7 October 2009