23 March 2011


Some days ago Nicolás came to my studio because he wanted an engagement ring for his girlfriend.
We talked about what he had in mind and draw some options. We let the ideas rest for a couple of days until he decided on this design:

After agreeing on the form we set out to pick the stone for the ring. It's very exciting to find the perfect stone; there's something about the brightness and color of a stone that makes you want it. It doesn't have to be the heaviest or most transparent one, it's rather a kind of sparkle that arouses a strong desire to choose it.
Once chosen the stone I began to work on the ring while Nicolás anxiously waited to see the finished jewel.

The day Nicolás returned to my studio to see the ring we both were surprised at the result: he because the ring didn't turn out the way he had imagined it, and me because I was satisfied at the result and expected full approval.

This is how the ring looked like the first time:

In my profession it is true that the key is in the details. The same ring changes enormously by modifying the finish of its surface. The first time the matte finish highlighted the yellow hue of gold of this white gold alloy and the well defined edges gave the ring a very sharp and geometric character.

But when Nicolás saw the smooth and glossy interior of the ring he knew that was how he wanted the exterior finish as well. He also wanted the edges to be soft and rounded.
This is how the ring turned out:

By completely polishing the ring the gray tone of palladium became predominant and the smooth surface reflected changing hues from gray to warm greenish brown. The soft edges made it look fluid and delicate.
This time Nicolás was pleased and I, although initially reluctant to change, also fell in love with this new version.

As in every project I work on this one gave me the opportunity to appreciate more my profession and to learn. I love having the opportunity to know a little about my clients while we talk about what they want. It also makes me happy to listen to their ideas and be able to make some changes to obtain the desired piece.

I have learned that I need to count on the surprise factor, which translates into time.  Sometimes the details look great on paper or on other jewelry projects but are not necessarily appropriate for the present occasion, so I need to have time to change them. I also learned that the view of others can point to which design solutions I'm limiting myself and of course, that I should not fear the glossy finish ;)
What version of the ring do you like the most? Matte or glossy?