1 February 2012

Treasures of the Caribbean Part I

Once again beaches. It seams as if my life was all about fun and travel during the past months. And, so it is to a certain extent but that did not stop my brain and my heart from processing information, ideas, possibilities; all focused on further steps in the project that is LIRIO.

These days you will find me every morning greatly enjoying my yoga practice before I head to the library to hunt for information and in the afternoon organizing my ideas. Generally though, loosing my mind over the magnitude of the task ahead: to design, alloy and hammer a corporate personalty for myself.

I still need some time to materialize such a plan and be able to jump into the void with homemade wings.
So, while it's time to announce something interesting, let me show you two treasures of the Caribbean I discovered during my vacation.

In Colombia theres a place where the mountains of eternal snow peaks extend and softly fade until they touch the Caribbean Sea. It's the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

30 minutes away from the seashore, up the Sierra, is Minca and there, Oscar's Hostel,  hidden in mountains of a thousand shades of green, with Santa Marta and the sea to it's feet.

Through these woods of bamboo and towering trees a group of howling monkeys passed early in the mornings in search of breakfast. Sometimes they came up to the tops of the trees to take the first rays of sun.

Several streams and springs run through this area which a decade ago was devastated by livestock. With his green hands Oscar has patiently brought it back to life. Soon this place will become a natural reserve. Oscar and Sandra, his wife, are wonderful.

And so, hiking wild trails, listening to friends making music and relaxing during warm scented nights I fell in love with Minca and the beautiful lives our dear hosts live.

In part II: descending from the mountain to touch the sea.

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